Sunday, July 13, 2008

History Can't Be Changed

I read in the news paper that a former Berlin police officer tore off the head of an Adolf Hitler's
waxwork at a new Madame Tussauds museum. He said that he was angry. Why was he so angry?Agreed that Hitler waged a war, carried out genocide\ extermination of the Jews in the most brutal ways but it is history now. He has not been & will never be pardoned for what he did to mankind but by such an act can we wipe out the history of the world ? I remember a time when Nikita Khrushchev visited India. He asked Prime Minister Nehru --- " Mr. Nehru why do you keep these portraits of British imperialists hanging on the walls ?" Answering his question Nehru said " because I just cannot change history by removing them." So the moral of the story is that let Hitler be where he is, as a reminder of our past as well as to teach the future generations not to behave like him. We cannot remove Hitler from all the books . We cannot undo history so let his statue be there at the museum as safe as anything else.
This has also been reported that the person described above, beside saying that he was angry, also said that he did it to win a bet. Well , what is the truth? In case he did this for a bet he is a greater offender but it depends on the law enforcement agencies to see whether he deserves any punishment or not.

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